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Army, Arizona State University (ASU) Team on New Alloy With Superhero-Like Strength

Researchers from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and ASU have teamed up on a new material composition that super heroes, if real, would envy. They”ve designed a super strong alloy of copper and tantalum that can withstand extreme impact and temperature. It”s likely the closest material on earth to vibranium, a rare, fictitious metallic substance

Study Shows Ceramics Can Deform Like Metals if Sintered Under an Electric Field

Purdue researchers have observed a way that the brittle nature of ceramics can be overcome as they sustain heavy loads, leading to more resilient structures such as aircraft engine blade coatings and dental implants. While inherently strong, most ceramics tend to fracture suddenly when just slightly strained under a load unless exposed to high temperatures.

New Form of Carbon That’s Hard as a Rock, yet Elastic, like Rubber

A team including several Carnegie scientists has developed a form of ultrastrong, lightweight carbon that is also elastic and electrically conductive. A material with such a unique combination of properties could serve a wide variety of applications from aerospace engineering to military armor. Carbon is an element of seemingly infinite possibilities. This is because the