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Step Towards Light-Based, Brain-Like Computing Chip

Scientists have succeeded in developing a piece of hardware which could pave the way for creating computers resembling the human brain. They produced a chip containing a network of artificial neurons that works with light and can imitate neurons and their synapses. This network is able to ”learn” information and use this as a basis

Changing the Color of Light

One of the biggest challenges in developing integrated photonic circuits — which use light rather than electrons to transport information — is to control the momentum of light. Colors of light travel at different speeds through a material but in order for light to be converted between colors, it needs to have the same momentum

Programmable Nanophotonic Processor Allows Optical Deep Learning

“Deep learning” computer systems, based on artificial neural networks that mimic the way the brain learns from an accumulation of examples, have become a hot topic in computer science. In addition to enabling technologies such as face- and voice-recognition software, these systems could scour vast amounts of medical data to find patterns that could be