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DARPA to Develop Advanced Tiny Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks for Military PNT Applications

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is presently working on an advanced version of its first-generation, battery-powered, miniature chip-scale atomic clock (CSAC) with 1000x performance improvements for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) applications. DARPA’s Atomic Clock with Enhanced Stability (ACES) program aims to build the next-generation atomic clock owing to the limitations of the now

Toward the Deployment of Ethical AI

The growing use of artificial intelligence comes with more than just technology challenges. Ethical questions are emerging as government agencies use AI for a range of purposes, from customer service chatbots to mission-critical tasks supporting military forces. This increasing reliance on AI introduces concerns about bias in its foundation, especially related to information on gender,

The American AI Initiative

President Trump has launched the American AI Initiative directing U.S. Government agencies to make investments in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development (R&D) a priority to ensure America maintains a leadership role in the development of AI and supporting technologies. The initiative contains 10 sections covering: Policy and Principles Objectives Roles and Responsibilities Federal Investment