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U.S. to Spend Hundreds of Millions to Replace a $5 Part in Revamped Nuclear Weapons

Concerns about the reliability of commercial-off-the-shelf capacitors, each of which cost just $5, and that the Department of Energy had been planning to use in two future nuclear warhead designs will delay both programs by at least a year and a half and could result in up to a whopping $850 million in additional costs.

U.S. Withdraws From Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

The United States has officially withdrawn from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, an agreement with the Russian Federation that limited the types of weapons systems the nations involved could pursue. “Russia has failed to comply with its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and as such, the United States has withdrawn from the INF

Just In: Navy Chief Anticipates 3-D-Printed Nuclear Weapons

Other nations could use 3-D printing to develop atomic arsenals, according to the Chief of Naval Operations. “Much is changing here in the nuclear world,” Adm. John Richardson said July 2 during remarks at a breakfast in Washington, DC, hosted by the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. “There are more nations seeking to join the