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Manufacturing—Layering on the Strength

A team, including Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and University of Tennessee researchers, demonstrated a novel 3-D printing approach called Z-pinning that can increase the material’s strength and toughness by more than three and a half times compared to conventional additive manufacturing processes. They demonstrated Z-pinning with polylactic acid, or PLA, and carbon fiber-reinforced PLA

The Navy Can Now 3-D Print Submarines on the Fly for SEALs

It usually takes the Navy around 5 months to build even the smallest submarines to ferry Navy SEALs into and out of combat zones — but thanks to new technology, the Navy”s most elite warfighters could slap together a submersible hull in just a few weeks. That’s the promise behind the Optionally Manned Technology Demonstrator

We Need a Sweeping 3D Printing Agenda, Now

At Sandia National Laboratories, an unusual thing has happened. Researchers 3D printed a massive mold for manufacturing wind turbine blades. The project is a collaboration with the leading manufacturing laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and TPI Composites that aims to dramatically reduce the time and cost of developing new wind energy technology. Sandia has been