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Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Glass Optical Components

Gun Sight and Optics Technology

DSIAC solicited information from subject matter experts (SMEs) in the areas of electro-optics (EO) and weapons systems. Specifically, DSIAC wanted to: (i) obtain information on the requested technology areas as implemented for the current inventory weapon systems, (ii) identify…


Revolutionary ‘Metalens’ Can Focus All Visible Light on One Point

Researchers have created the first “metalens” that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light onto a single point in high resolution. The breakthrough brings metalenses one step closer towards replacing bulky camera lenses with much smaller chips. The new technology could lead to high-resolution camera lenses that are thinner than a human hair. Instead

DARPA’s EXTREME Optics and Imaging Program to Enable New Designs for Optics and Imagers

DARPA seeks engineered optical materials unconstrained by “laws” of classical optics to develop vastly smaller, lighter, and more capable devices for advanced imaging applications. Developers of imaging systems have long been beholden to certain rules of optics designs so well established and seemingly immutable as to be treated as virtual “laws” of physics. One widely