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Nanoparticle Tuning for New Optomechanical Applications

Like a tuning fork struck with a mallet, tiny gold nanodisks can be made to vibrate at resonant frequencies when struck by light. In new research, Rice University researchers showed they can selectively alter those vibrational frequencies by gathering different-sized nanodisks into groups. Researchers tested more than a dozen sample groupings of nanodisks using electron

Quantum Nanoscope

Researchers have studied how light can be used to “see” the quantum nature of an electronic material. They managed to do that by capturing light in a net of carbon atoms and slowing it down so that it moves almost as slow as the electrons in the graphene. Then something special happens: electrons and light

AMRDEC Scientist Helps Advance Research for Alternative Energy

A U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center senior research scientist helped develop tiny nanoparticles that convert carbon dioxide into methane using only ultraviolent light as an energy source. Dr. Henry Everitt has been working with the chemistry department at Duke University to explore new ways light can be used to add