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States Are Still Banning Electric Weapons for Self-Defense

In 2013, the CEO of TASER International estimated that 70{05dcf356446b978828058459b63259cbd949ba30b3ab1afc5082accfc0e62d11} of those purchasing their C2 model Taser were women. It’s no wonder that these small, effective, and non-lethal means of self-defense have proved so popular. But despite their popularity and effectiveness, five states and a handful of localities continue to ban all electric weapons. Regardless

NLW: Tech Advancements and Growing Internal Security Threats Drive Demand

The remarkable rate of technological advancements and growing internal security threats have both created a significant demand for non-lethal weapons. These weapons are readily being procured by the militaries across the globe to modernize their weaponry and arsenal. The demand for non-lethal weapons also stems from the increasing need to control crowds in the war-torn