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A Missing Shade of Gray: Political Will and Waging Something Short of War

The legal framework for countering hybrid threats is certainly a significant issue and challenge for liberal democracies to overcome considering hybrid threats come from illiberal (partial democracy, low intensity democracy, empty democracy, or hybrid regime) governments and non-state actors that don”t follow international/domestic laws and norms. If improperly address through the application of political, economic

Special Operations Command Creating New Drone Technology Initiative

U.S. Special Operations Command is partnering with the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office to create a new organization dedicated to advancing drone technology, a top acquisition official announced May 16. The outfit, known as DRONEWERX, was modeled after Special Operations Command’s SOFWERX initiative which opened the door to nontraditional partners in industry and academia to do

SOCOM Prepares to Test Airborne Directed Energy Weapon

On a cloudy night in the future, special operators are conducting a nighttime raid on an enemy compound. A mission commander aboard an AC-130J Ghostrider gunship sets his sights on a target. Using a high-energy laser, he aims and shoots at an electrical transformer, the engine of a pick-up truck, communication equipment stacked near the