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Determining Human Identity from Motion Patterns

This inquiry stemmed from an interest in the posted article “Learning Human Identity from Motion Patterns”. A DSIAC subject matter expert from the Georgia Technical Research Institute (GTRI) performed open source searches for reports and…

Defeating Passive Infrared Motion Sensors

  The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) staff was tasked with researching solutions to detect, counter/spoof, and neutralize commercial off-the-shelf passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors. A list of possible active and passive countermeasures to…


Russia, China Alliance on Navigation Satellites Threatens GPS

Russia and China have been increasingly moving toward greater synergies between their respective satellite navigation systems since at least 2015. The stated goals of the two powers have been ensuring compatibility and interoperability of GLONASS and BeiDou navigation systems; augmentations, including mutual allocation of measuring stations within the territories of Russia and China; global navigation

Liveness Detection Can Help Defense and Other Agencies Improve Detection and Tracking of Threat Personnel

Liveness detection using techniques such as eye or lip movement analysis is a detection/sensing/security feature that can ensure biological identifiers are from the proper user or target of interest and not from someone else. As biometric authentication slowly becomes incorporated into security and law enforcement applications, increasing attention has been paid to the quality and

Learning Human Identity from Motion Patterns

Google researchers present a large-scale study exploring the capability of temporal deep neural networks to interpret natural human kinematics and introduce the first method for active biometric authentication with mobile inertial sensors. They have created a first-of-its-kind data set of human movements, passively collected by 1500 volunteers using their smartphones daily over several months. We