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A More Sustainable Way to Refine Metals

A team of chemists in Canada has developed a way to process metals without using toxic solvents and reagents. The system, which also consumes far less energy than conventional techniques, could greatly shrink the environmental impact of producing metals from raw materials or from post-consumer electronics. “At a time when natural deposits of metals are

Bioinspired Process Makes Materials That Are Light, Robust and Programmable

Researchers at Tufts University”s School of Engineering have developed a new bioinspired technique that transforms silk protein into complex materials that are easily programmable at the nano-, micro- and macro-scales as well as ultralight and robust. Among the varied structures generated was a web of silk nano fibers able to withstand a load 4,000 times

Navy Scientists Create Synthetic Hagfish Slime to Protect Personnel and Vessels

Scientists and engineers from the US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) have successfully recreated a defensive biomaterial found in hagfish to aid military personnel. A synthetic component of hagfish slime, derived from the compound”s alpha and gamma proteins, has been developed by biochemist Dr Josh Kogot and materials engineer Dr Ryan