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New Ceramic Nanofiber ‘Sponges’ for Flexible Insulation, Water Purification

Researchers have found a way to make ultralight sponge-like materials from nanoscale ceramic fibers. The highly porous, compressible and heat-resistant sponges could have numerous uses, from water purification devices to flexible insulating materials. “The basic science question we tried to answer is how can we make a material that’s highly deformable but resistant to high

Revolutionary ‘Metalens’ Can Focus All Visible Light on One Point

Researchers have created the first “metalens” that can focus the entire visible spectrum of light onto a single point in high resolution. The breakthrough brings metalenses one step closer towards replacing bulky camera lenses with much smaller chips. The new technology could lead to high-resolution camera lenses that are thinner than a human hair. Instead

New Nanomaterial Can Extract Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater

It”s possible to produce hydrogen to power fuel cells by extracting the gas from seawater, but the electricity required to do it makes the process costly. UCF researcher Yang Yang has come up with a new hybrid nanomaterial that harnesses solar energy and uses it to generate hydrogen from seawater more cheaply and efficiently than