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DHS RFI – Robotic Communications Technologies (AR/VR control interfaces, autonomous navigation, visualization and mapping, and other enabling technologies)

Homeland Security is looking for innovative robots that can navigate underground tunnels and communicate with headquarters. Customs and Border Protection uses technology to scan faces, probe vehicles and keep a watchful eye on the border from the skies above. The agency—with help from Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate—also is looking to send robots into

Public Safety Tech Accelerator Debuts

ResponderXLabs, a collaboration between Amazon Web Services and Responder Corp., aims to give public safety agencies better access to the innovation pipeline and help private-sector firms more effectively deliver those innovations. The program works with first responder agencies to find the latest public safety technologies, supporting agencies with technology needs assessments, access to grant opportunities,

Could This Non-Lethal Round Replace Tasers for Marines?

The Marine Corps wants the defense industry to design a wireless, non-lethal munition capable of stunning individuals out to 100 meters. The human electro-muscular incapacitation, or HEMI, munition is intended to be a small-caliber, non-lethal round that can be fired from current conventional small arms, according to a September 24 solicitation posted on ,