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Could This Non-Lethal Round Replace Tasers for Marines?

The Marine Corps wants the defense industry to design a wireless, non-lethal munition capable of stunning individuals out to 100 meters. The human electro-muscular incapacitation, or HEMI, munition is intended to be a small-caliber, non-lethal round that can be fired from current conventional small arms, according to a September 24 solicitation posted on ,

Doctors Reveal Details of Neuro-Weapon Attacks in Havana

Directed energy weapons intended to disrupt or damage their victims’ brains were the most likely source of a series of mysterious attacks singling out U.S. personnel assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Cuba in 2017, three doctors involved in the investigation have told National Defense in exclusive interviews. The three experts were contacted by the

US Signals Major Boost to Hypersonic Weapons in 2019

In response to Chinese and Russian advances, the U.S. is building its own hypersonic arsenal. More signs are emerging across the U.S. Department of Defense that it is taking the military threat of Chinese hypersonic weapons seriously, and redoubling efforts to field similar weapons of its own. Hypersonic weapons, which are considered High-Speed Maneuvering Weapons,