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Virtual Reality: a Friend and Foe in War on Terrorism

As virtual reality technology becomes less expensive and delivers a more realistic, immersive experience, some national security experts warn that it is only a matter of time before terrorists use it for recruiting, training and plotting attacks. The virtual reality (VR) marketplace is exploding. Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Sony PlayStation VR, Google Cardboard, Microsoft HoloLens,

How Can Cyber Contribute to Multi-Domain Battle?

The military is beginning to organize around a principle of multi-domain battle — the notion that effects, planning and operations will converge seamlessly among the five domains of warfare: land, sea, air, space and cyber. Rather than thinking about war from a domain-centric perspective, future battles will be fought with a combination of effects. The

Pentagon Getting Better at Stopping Enemy Drones and Delivering Gear to the Battlefield

The US military and its partners are expanding their use of drones, turning to them for logistical purposes like resupply while expanding their abilities to defend against enemy drones. The latest piece of drone-related equipment is a 5-pound radar-gun-like device used to jam drones in remote areas or during patrols. In April, the US Army”s