/ (Photo Credit: eArmor Strike Now) / (Photo Credit: eArmor Strike Now)

Posted on April 5, 2018 | Completed on January 16, 2017 | By: Scott E. Armistead

What information is readily available in regards to type classification of a specific low recoil gun system?

DSIAC was asked to search for documentation relating to the classification of the XM35 105mm cannon system. DSIAC staff reviewed titles and abstracts from a Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) literature search, performed open source searches, and extracted excerpts from articles that discussed historical designations for low recoil gun systems. A bibliography of the top 25 DTIC articles that appeared to be most relevant to the development of the subject low recoil gun system as well as related systems was provided, along with the summaries of open source literature search results.

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