DSIAC was asked to find any characteristics, performance specifications, and testing data on the close air support (CAS)/light attack, Agile Responsive Effective Support (ARES) jet aircraft demonstrator developed and tested as a private venture by the Scaled Composites company in the mid-1980s to early 1990s. Searches of open sources, periodicals, and the DTIC Research & Engineering Gateway only yielded some cursory information, so DSIAC staff traced the acquisition history for Scaled Composites to its acquisition by Northrop Grumman. By utilizing contacts at Northrop Grumman, DSIAC connected with Scaled Composites subsidiary via telecon; the subsidiary subsequently searched their archives and provided documents, with permission, to disseminate to the inquirer.
Scaled Composites’ ARES CAS/Light Attack Aircraft Demonstrator

Posted on October 14, 2020 | Completed on August 5, 2020 | By: Scott E. Armistead
What information is available related to the Scaled Composites' ARES-151 demonstrator aircraft?
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