DSIAC solicited information from subject matter experts (SMEs) in the areas of electro-optics (EO) and weapons systems. Specifically, DSIAC wanted to: (i) obtain information on the requested technology areas as implemented for the current inventory weapon systems, (ii) identify plans for future technology integration into the inventory, and (iii) provide examples of state-of-the-art (SOA) commercial and Government off-the-shelf (COTS and GOTS) small arms systems currently being developed and/or monitored. DSIAC staff also performed a DTIC literature search for additional information/sources. A summary of the research findings was compiled into a report that was presented to the inquirer.
Gun Sight and Optics Technology
Posted on April 5, 2018 | Completed on June 1, 2016 | By: Scott E. Armistead
What advanced weapons technology is being researched, specifically in advanced optics and lasers for machine guns?
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